Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Useful Wimpy Kid vocabulary

Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Do you know these words?
Jerk (p. 1) = gilipollas
Sissy (p. 1) = mariquita 
Moron (p. 2) = idiota 
Bullying (p. 3) = acoso escolar
 Hot girls (p. 5) = nenas guapas
Dork (p. 5) = gilipollas 
A cute butt (p. 6) = un trasero bonito
What the heck happened (p. 6) = ¡que diaño pasou!
Stinky poos (p. 7) = cacas apestosas
R played a trick on me (p. 12) = R gastoume unha broma
I’ve got a screw loose (p. 13) = teño unha torca froxa
The Gifted group (p. 13) = o grupo dos listos
Noogies (p. 18) = colleja
Dag nab (p. 25) = “merda”
Fart (p. 27) = pedo
Mrs. Craig caught us red-handed (p. 34) = Mrs. Craig colleunos in fraganti
Nerds (p. 44) = friki
Brainy (p. 45) = cerebrito


Can you compare Wimpy Kid to the two other books we’ve read, The Boy in the Dress and Coraline?

Think of: Relationships, families, personalities, friendship…

Wimpy Kid information!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The Film.